Ordering Your Display Case
1. Choose your type of train or custom collectible display case
2. Choose your size from PDF files or choose a custom ideal shelf width & shelf height for your specific collectibles (outer frame width will be one inch wider than shelf)
3. Contact us at pcwcases@yahoo.com or 208-691-9211 with your order
4. Payment: Prior to shipping send a check or use your Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit card, providing account number, expiration date, and 3 digit security code off of the back of the card. To increase security, we recommend sending credit card information in two separate communications. For example sending most of card number in an email, and the remaining card information in a text message.
5. Shipping: Expect 2-8 weeks for delivery, depending upon availability and custom requests. We will communicate anticipated shipping date as soon as possible.